Per colpa di Facebook uso poco guardare i blog che seguo, incluso il mio. E' così che mi sono accorta in ritardo di avere superato le 100.000 visite ! Tanti ci saranno capitati per caso, ma spero di aver dato a tutti i visitatori (tranne i seminatori di spam) qualcosa di piacevole da guardare.
Because of Facebook I seldom visit my favorite blogs, including my own. That's why I just noticed I have by far surpassed 100.000 visitors. Many have probably stumbled on it by chance; but I hope they all left with a pleasant impression- apart from spammers, of course.
Because of Facebook I seldom visit my favorite blogs, including my own. That's why I just noticed I have by far surpassed 100.000 visitors. Many have probably stumbled on it by chance; but I hope they all left with a pleasant impression- apart from spammers, of course.