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martedì 15 febbraio 2011

teotihuacàn- la mostra. Exhibition on teotihuacàn.

Dopo  la visita a Palazzo delle Esposizioni, ho riportato a casa qualche disegno, che ho provveduto a colorare. Avevo delle grandi aspettative, ma la cultura Teotihuacana non rappresenta l'acme dell'arte precolombiana, per quel poco che conosco di essa. Qualche pezzo raffinato, e uno perfino divertente (involontariamente?) in un complesso di opere interessante ma cupo. Resta l'impressione di una società repressa dalla religione e dalle caste, senza gioia, senza un sorriso.
La fonte luminosa dal basso mi ha reso complicato esprimere i volumi.
Il mio preferito è l'uomo-aquila, dai lineamenti bellissimi, classici.

the funny bit!detail of a vase in shape of chicken
I visited the exhibition on Teotihuacan, and was somewhat disappointed. It is not the highest point of mesoamerican art , for all I know of it. It conveys a sense of oppression and unhappyness, except for one amusing piece, maybe unwantedly. Although a few refined works attracted my eye and pencil. The colour was added at home. My favourite is the eagle-man:beautiful, classical face.
The lighting from below complicated the rendering of volumes.

4 commenti:

  1. These sketches are very interesting. I particularly like the third one and the one that looks like a curled up fox. The chicken is interesting too.

  2. Its good to be faced with different and ancient shapes and interpretation of bodies and icons. I find the chicken as good as a Disney cartoon!thank you Betsi.

  3. Hermosos bocetos Concetta, lástima que no te gustara mucho la exposición.

    Un abrazo,

  4. thank you Fran- at the time the artists were forced to produce only the shapes that the power allowed...
    which leaved little space for creativity.


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