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lunedì 4 aprile 2011

Il campione- the champion

528 grammi! il limone più grande del mio albero, nella mia mano. E dire che in un giardino rivolto a nord, non davamo molte chances a quell'alberello, quando lo abbiamo piantato, 14 anni fa... avrei voluto dipingerlo ad olio ma non ne ho il tempo. Sto illustrando...

The largest lemon on my tree weighs 528 grams! When we planted the shrub 14 years ago, in our north-oriented garden, full of shade, we didn't give it much of a chance...I would have loved to paint it in oil but haven't found the time. I'm illustrating on commission.

2 commenti:

  1. Oh my goodness! That is the biggest lemon I have ever seen. You have got to paint that tree.......the fruit is amazing!

  2. Well...they're not ALL like this one! I can't paint the whole tree but I could do the lemon...its glowing with shape and colour!


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