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Sharing one's own creations on the web assumes fair play on the other side. If you wish to use the images for private use, feel free to do so; for publication, please contact the author! Thank you!

giovedì 7 luglio 2011

Preparandomi al Viaggio...Preparing for The trip...

A poco più di una settimana dalla partenza, volevo spiegare perchè non ho postato un granchè (nè disegnato, a dire il vero). Sto chiudendo un progetto di picture book da mandare a un concorso e preparandomi al Viaggio della mia vita (per ora!): la Namibia!
La prima volta nell'Africa nera, o in Africa tout court;  è certamente un desiderio che ho profondamente sentito da sempre e che ho avuto l'occasione di cogliere, aggregandomi a un gruppo di amici naturalisti tra cui un altro artista. Saremo almeno in due a obbligare gli altri a  soste più prolungate...Sono emozionatissima! Grazie al mio prezioso marito che mi ha finanziato, parto il 16 per un tragitto che da Roma porta a Francoforte, poi Johannesburg e quindi Windhoek. Quasi 24 ore tra aeroporti e voli. Faremo un giro nel nord-ovest del paese, inclusi il deserto, la costa e il Parco di Etosha. Torniamo il 31.
Ho paura di non saper rendere nulla delle visioni che ammirerò, e che l'emozione paralizzerà la mia mano.
Non ho ancora deciso esattamente che materiali portare per dipingere e disegnare. Confido nella mia macchina fotografica...
Chi è già stato li mi dia dei consigli! Grazie!

Hardly more than a week before leaving, I wanted to explain why I haven't been posting (or painting) much lately. I'm closing a project for a picture book to be sent to a competition, and getting ready for the Trip of my life: Namibia!
My first time in Africa, in black Africa: it's a craving I've been feeling deeply for a lifetime, and I finally grabbed the opportunity to join a group of friends, naturalists and another artist too (there will be two of us to hold up the rest...) I'm SO excited!
Thanks to my precious husband who financed me, I will be leaving on the 16th for an itinerary of 3 flights from Rome/Frankfurt/Johannesburg/Windhoek, nearly 24 hours spent between airports and flights.
We will be driving through the north-western part of the country,  including the desert, the coast, and Etosha Park naturally.
I'm afraid I won't be able to render the visions I'll witness, and that the excitement will paralyze my hand...I haven't yet decided exactly what art materials I should bring. I rely on my new camera...
Have you been there? I'm looking for advice! Thanks!

5 commenti:

  1. Wow, what a wonderful trip, Concetta! Not been there but done the three flights in 24hrs thing!

    I would look at the work of other artists in similar locations to help you decide what media to take. There are quite a few artists who regularly travel and post about their sketching materials. It's going to be hot I guess so the lighter the better, but if you have transport and are able to devote more time to pieces then I'd say take as much as you can. Also check that your airline/s are happy with what you plan to take. I think oils and solvents are still a problem. Well, have a lovely time and we all look forward to seeing your posts when you return.

  2. Thanks Michael, I would have left the oils behind anyway since I'd hardly ever did plein-air oils. I will follow your suggestion and look up other artist's work. The hardest bit will be sitting for 13 hours in an airplane seat!

  3. Good luck with the picture book competition, Concetta, and bon voyage, too! I'm eager to see the drawings and paintings you produce on your trip!

  4. Che dire....buon viaggio,aspettiamo ansiosi qualche bottino di guerra!(naturalmente solo dipinti!)

    ciao Alberto

  5. Hi Laura, ciao Alberto, I will certainly try and do my best! Farò il possibile!


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